Tuesday 20 December 2016

Uterus Cancer Treatment in Madurai

Cervix is a part of the female reproductive system. It has an outer surface opening into the vagina and an inner surface facing the uterus. When there is a growth of abnormal cells in the lining of the Cervix, it denotes the development of Cervical Cancer.

Types of Cervical Cancers

Depending on the cells of origin, Cervical Cancer is divided into two types. The most common one is Squamous Cell Carcinoma and the less common one is Adenocarcinoma, found in the upper portion of the Cervix.


Causes of Cervical Cancer

Human Papilloma Virus or HPV is one of the biggest risk factors of Cervical Cancer. It is a common infection affecting the Cervix, vagina, and other areas. Some other causes are occupational exposure to Diethylstilbestrol or DES which is an artificial form of female estrogen, a weak immune system, lifestyle habits like smoking and using contraceptives  are at risk of Cervical Cancer.
Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Symptoms constitute unexplained loss of appetite and weight, persistent body pains including pain in the pelvic bone, fatigue, and fractures and swelling in the legs. Medical attention is required immediately if any of these symptoms are experienced.

Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

The Pap Smear test is used as a screening test all over the world to detect Cervical Cancer. Once this test is done, based on the type and stage, the next round of tests are conducted.

Treatment for Cervical Cancer

The treatment of Cervical Cancer depends on several factors. Various options of treatment will be suggested by your doctor based on your test results, the location of the Cancer, the speed of spreading and development, your age and overall health condition, and finally, conceiving. If a woman wants to conceive in future, the cancerous tissue is removed or destroyed through surgery without removing the uterus.

Another factor that determines the course of treatment is the stage the cancer is in. Loop electrosurgical excision procedure, cryotherapy, and laser therapy are used to treat the initial stages of Cervical Cancer.

Guru Multispecialty Hospital offers best Treatment for Cervical Cancer in Madurai with the help of dedicated team of doctors and other staff.


Mail us: cancercentremadurai@gmail.com

Monday 7 November 2016

Stomach Cancer Screening : A Little Precaution For A Healthy Future

Stomach Cancer also called Gastric Cancer forms when cells in the lining of the stomach began to grow uncontrollably becoming a tumor. A slow spreader if left untreated it will become  life threatening.
Major factors that causes heavy smoking, drug abuse, consumption of highly processed food, exposure to radiation and working in industries like coal, metal, timber, or rubber trigger the onset of the disease.

When you should visit a doctor ?
  • Feel like vomiting
  • Improper digestion
  • Heart burning
  • Lack of appetite
  • Recurrent pain in stomach
  • Extreme weakness
  • Constipation
  • Traces of blood in stool and urine

Importance of Stomach Cancer Screening:
Screening of  stomach cancer include looking for cancer before a person exhibit its symptoms. This method helps finding cancer very early. If cancer is diagnosed after surfacing of symptoms intensity of cancer will be high. By eating healthy, avoiding heavy smoking and drinking, treating stomach infections at the correct time  will help people  prevent this up to some extent.
The usual tests conducted for detecting the presence of stomach cancer include:
  • Medical history and physical exam
  • Upper endoscopy
  • Endoscopic ultrasound
  • Biopsy
  • Upper gastrointestinal (GI) series
  • Computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan
  • Chest x-ray
Guru Multispecialty Hospital - Cancer offers best Stomach Cancer Treatment in Madurai with the help of dedicated team of doctors and other staff.


Mail us: cancercentremadurai@gmail.com

Thursday 6 October 2016

Best Kidney Cancer Treatment in Madurai

Kidney Cancer occurs when healthy cells from a kidney or both change and grow uncontrollably, forming a mass called a tumor. A malignant tumor is cancerous, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body. An inactive  tumor is cancerous, but this type of tumor rarely spreads to other body parts. A benign tumor means that the tumor can grow but will not spread.

People with kidney cancer may experience the following symptoms or signs. Sometimes, people with this type of cancer do not have any of these symptoms. 

The major symptoms of kidney cancer are as follows: 
* Blood in the urine 
* Pain or pressure in the side or back
* A mass or lump on the side or back
* Swelling of the ankles and legs
* High blood pressure
* Anemia, ie low red blood cell count
*  Weakness
* Loss of appetite
* Weight loss for no apparent reason
* recurring fever that is not related to a cold, flu or other infection
* In men, the rapid development of a group of enlarged veins, known as varicocele, around a testicle

Kidney cancer is most often treated with surgery, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are used frequently.

Surgery is the removal of the tumor and surrounding tissue healthy part during an operation. If the cancer has not spread outside the kidney, surgery to remove the tumor, part of the kidney or the entire kidney, and possibly tissue and nearby lymph nodes, may be the only treatment needed.

Guru Cancer Center offers Best Kidney Cancer Treatment in Madurai with the help of dedicated team of doctors and other staff. 

Mail us: cancercentremadurai@gmail.com

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Best Breast Cancer Treatment in Madurai

Breast Cancer is a  tumor that originates in the tissue of the mammary gland of a female. When tumor cells originates from glandular breast tissue and have the ability to invade healthy tissue around and reaches distant organs and results in  breast cancer.

This tumor can grow in three ways:
* Local growth : breast cancer grows by direct invasion, infiltrating neighboring structures such as the chest wall (muscle and bone) and skin.
* Lymphatic spread : the network of lymph vessels that holds the breast allows the lymph drainage is carried out at several node groups. The nodes in the armpit (axillary) are the most frequently affected, followed by those in the internal mammary artery (central chest area) and  supraclavicular (above the collarbone).
* Hematogenous spread : is through the blood vessels preferably to the bones, lung, liver and skin.

The most common symptoms for which women go to the doctor are:

* Appearance of a lump in the breast 
* Pain in the breast tenderness.
* Re sizing of either breast.
* Irregularities in contour
* Lower mobility of one breast to lift my arms.
* Alteration in the skin of the breast as ulcers, changes in color and appearance of what is called orange peel (for its skin-like appearance of the fruit).
* Changes in nipple like shrinking 
* Appearance of a lump in the armpit

There are other symptoms such as fatigue , bone pain, which can occur in more advanced stages of the disease.

The specialist will recommend and explain the possibilities of the most appropriate treatment in each case, so  patient have received sufficient information and can, along with the doctor, make a decision. 
The breast cancer management, as in most tumors, is multidisciplinary. Different specialties work together to combine therapies and offer the patient the best chance of cure.

Guru Cancer Center offers best Breast Cancer Treatment in Madurai with the help of dedicated team of doctors and other staff. 

Mail us: cancercentremadurai@gmail.com

Saturday 3 September 2016

Gynecological Cancer Treatment

Gynecological Cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. It can be called by several names like uterine cancer and endometrial cancer. The treatment of Gynecological Cancer varies according to the exactly where cancer started.


There are five types of gynecological cancers

  •  Womb Cancer
  •  Ovarian Cancer
  •  Cervical Cancer
  •  Vulval Cancer
  •  Vaginal Cancer

Womb Cancer

It is cancer within the lining of the womb. The womb cancer begins in womb lining, where the cells that grow are then shed each month as a menstrual loss.When cancer starts ,these cells change their normal appearance, increase in size and results in the tumor. The common symptom of womb cancer is abnormal bleeding from the vagina. The surgical removal of the womb is the common treatment for womb cancer.

Ovarian Cancer

The ovarian cancer is the fifth peak common cancer among women after breast cancer, bowel cancer, lung cancer and cancer of the uterus. Ovarian cancer may occur in different parts of the ovary. The most of the ovarian cancers develop from the skin of the outer lining of the ovary.This cancer begins with a mutation in the structure of the DNA in cells, which can affect how they grow.The common symptoms, such as back pain, needing to pass urine more frequently than usual, and pain during sex.The treatment for this type of cancer is surgery.


Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix which connects a woman's womb and vagina.They are caused by a common sexually transmitted infection. The symptoms of cervical cancer can’t be detected easily.The treatment for this cancer is  Large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) and Cone biopsy.

Vulval Cancer
The vulval cancer is one of the rarer cancers. The vulva is a woman’s external sex organ. These cancers develop from a condition called vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN).

The symptoms of this cancer are

  • Pain
  • Thickened, raised, red, white/dark patches on the skin of the vulva
  • Growth visible on the skin
  • A mole on the vulva that changes shape or color
  • Swelling of the vulva

The treatment for this cancer depends on factors such as how far cancer has spread, general health, and personal wishes.

Vaginal Cancer  

Vaginal cancer is a very rare disease which originates in the vagina. It is a skin cancer which is very rare.It starts when a cell changes its growth pattern, increasing in size until it develops into a tumor.The main symptoms of this cancer include:

  • Bleeding between periods, after menopause or after sex
  • Vaginal discharge that smells
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • A growth in the vagina that you or your doctor can feel

This cancer is treated with surgery, or can be treated using chemotherapy and radiotherapy depending on its particular pattern change.

                       Guru Multispecialty Hospital, Madurai is a Cancer Treatment  Center with advanced technologies. It is one of the largest cancer centers in Tamil Nadu. We are offering treatment for all types of cancers and our doctors are efficient in treating cancer.If you have any inquiries,

E-mail us on : cancercentremadurai@gmail.com

Saturday 27 August 2016

Types of Body Cancer

Cancer has a major impact on society across the world. It is a group of disease involving growth of abnormal cells with the ability to conquer other parts of the body. Cervical, stomach, colon and rectal cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, melanoma, lung cancer, lymphoma and endometrial are the some Cancers by Body Locations. Cancer is one among the leading causes of death.

Symptoms of Cancer :
  • Pain
  • Chronic cough
  • Bowel changes
  • Fever
  • Persistent
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Skin changes
  • Trouble in swallowing
  • Lump in the breast or other parts of the body
  • Unusual bleeding
Causes of Cancer :
  • Usage to tobacco
  • Exposure to UV rays
  • Excess body weight
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Genetics
Cervix is the lower part of utrex which opens at the top of the vagina. The cervical cancer starts in the cells on the cervix surface. Columnar and squamous are the two Types of Cervical Cancer.


Stomach Cancer :
This is also known as gastric cancer and starts when cells are growing at the lining of the stomach. It grows slowly. Stomach cancer can grow through the stomach wall into nearby organs such as colon or pancreas, liver.


Breast Cancer :
Cancer starts in the breast tissue is termed as breast cancer. It can be invasive (cells spread from lobule to other tissues of breast) or non-invasive (does not spread into other tissues of breast).


Colon and Rectal Cancer :
Colorectal cancer starts in colon or rectum. These cancer referred to desperately as rectal cancer or colon cancer depending on where they start.


Kidney Cancer :
It is also known as renal cell carcinoma. It originates in small tube in the kidney which filter the blood and remove waste products.


Lung Cancer :
This cancer starts off in one or both lungs. Non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer are the two main types of lung cancer.


Melanoma :
It is caused by changes in melanocytes, cells which produce melanin. Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer.


Lymphoma :
Lymphocytes is a type of cell which forms part of immune system. Lymphoma is a cancer of these lymphocytes. Hodgkin and non-hodgkin are the two types of lymphoma.


Endometrial :
It is the most common type of uterine cancer. Most of endometrial cancer cases occur between ages of 60 and 70 years.


Guru Multispeciality Hospital offers the best Treatments for Cancer in Tamil Nadu.


For more clarifications visit our website : http://cancer-treatment-madurai.com/

Mail us at : cancercentremadurai@gmail.com

Thursday 23 June 2016


Cancer is the deadliest disease causing a huge number of death in recent years. Based on the survey conducted by World Health Organization on cancer in 2012, there were 14.1 millions of new cancer cases, 8.2 million cancer deaths and 32.6 cancer patients in the world with diagnosis for 5 years. Are you in this list?? How you will be free from this?? For all queries, Guru Hospital, the Best Cancer Treatment Center in Tamil Nadu gives the solution.

What is cancer??

It is a group of disease including abnormal cell growth with the capability of spreading to other body parts. Usage of tobacco is the main cause of cancer. Drinking alcohol, poor diet, infections, obesity and lack of physical activity also leads to cancer. This disease shows some sign and symptoms. If the disease is diagnosed at the starting stages, it can be cured.


Symptoms :

2)Change in bowel movements
3)Prolonged cough
4)Abnormal bleeding
5)Unexplained weight loss

Treatments for cancer:

Radiation therapy :

In radiation therapy, ionizing radiation is used to kill cancer cells. It is used to destroy cancer in brain, cervix, pancreas, lung, prostate, skin, stomach and uterus. The main intention of this therapy is to damage as many cancer cells and limiting harm to the healthy cells nearby.

Chemotherapy :

Chemotherapy use drugs that can destroy cancer cells. And it has the potential to harm healthy tissue also. But, these cells repair themselves after chemotherapy. Treatment for leukemia needs high dose chemotherapy.

Photodynamic therapy :

This is a ternary treatment used for lung cancer. It is very helpful in removing the tissue after the surgical removal of large tumors.

Immunotherapy :

Immunotherapy is the set of therapeutic strategies which is designed for inducing the personal immune system to fight against the tumour.

Hormonal therapy :

In hormonal therapy, certain hormones are blocked. So that, growth of some cancers are inhibited.

Surgery :

The aim of this therapy is to remove only the tumour or the entire organ.


Guru Multispeciality Hospital offers Best Treatments for Cancer in Tamil Nadu. Normally the common people can't afford the treatment cost. Guru Cancer Treatment Center provides the advanced treatment with affordable cost in Tamil Nadu

For more details :


Mail us @ : cancercentremadurai@gmail.com

Monday 20 June 2016

Stomach cancer treatments in Madurai

As everyone knows cancer causes lot of death in recent year. Cancer is really a destructive group of disease which involves growing of abnormal cell and later spreading into other parts of the body. All types of cancer shows some symptoms. Most people won't take all this symptoms into consideration. This is because, they are not actually familiar about it. Later it leads to cancer death. Cancer can be cured at the initial stages. Stomach cancer, which is also known as gastric cancer, starts when cancer cells are growing at the lining of the stomach. Like all cancers, gastric cancer also shows some symptoms.


 Symptoms to be looked at :

  • Feeling of sickness with a tendency to vomit
  • Loss of appetite
  • Heartburn
  • Feel pain in stomach with difficulty in digesting food (Indigestion)

What are the causes of gastric cancer ??

  • Infections
  • Smoking
  • Diet
  • History of stomach cancer in your family (Genetics)
  • Over weight

Preventive measures :

1.Eat healthy : Try to eat more fruits and vegetables everyday which contain fiber and vitamins that can really lower your chance of cancer.
2.Avoid smoking : Smoking is the main reason for cancer. So avoid smoking.
3.Treat stomach infection : Get treatment for ulcers. Antibiotics may kill bacteria and other drugs heals the sores in the lining of stomach that reduce the risk of cancer.

Stomach cancer grows slowly. Cancer cells may get into the bloodstream. If it happen, then cancer spreads to other parts of the body. Many treatments are available for stomach cancer which include chemotherapy, radiation, chemoradiation, surgery and targeted drugs.


Guru Multispeciality Hospital, famous for the Best Cancer Treatments in Tamil Nadu with affordable Cost. Guru Hospital also provides the Stomach Cancer Treatment in Madurai.

For more details:


Mail us @ : cancercentremadurai@gmail.com

Wednesday 8 June 2016


Kidney cancer which  is also known as renal cell cancer or hypernephroma is mostly prone to effect the walls of kidney. Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells within the body with the potential to spread and invade to other parts of body. Here the cells are malignant. It is usually affected on older people  who are in there late 60’s and 70’s. Kidney Cancer Treatment in India has developed a lot, early detection proper treatment can cure it easily.
The main cause of  hypernephroma (kidney cancer) is unknown. Scientists say that it may be due to variations in genes.
Some causes may be the following
  • Smoking
  • Overweight
  • Over intake of painkillers
Early detection of kidney cancer helps us to save the  valuable lives of human being. So it is important to understand  and analyse the symptoms of Hypernephroma. Symptoms are listed below.
  • Anemia (low count of red blood cells)
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Hematuria (Blood in your pee)
  • Lack of appetite
  • Rise in body temperature
  • Increased levels of calcium in blood
  • Visibility of lumps on lower back
  • Persistent Cough
  • Stomach pain,lower back pain
  • Stomach related ailments (constipation,bowel changes,diarrhea,blood in stool ,gas trouble)                       
    kidney cancer stages
The  diagnosis method varies from person to person based on  his/her age,symptoms,medical conditions etc. This tests include cheap blood or urine test to costly scans. Kidney cancer can be  diagnosed by undergoing the following tests.
1.Laboratory Tests
Samples of blood and urine can be cultured in the lab and any variation in number of cells or presence of cancer  is diagnosed. It is not that much effective and accurate as compared to  other sophisticated scans.
2.Imaging Tests
Imaging is the latest technology which is used  to get highly accurate and clear images of the affected  cells. CT scans, MRI scans, ultrasound scans are the major imaging tests performed to diagnose the tumors and cancerous cells present in kidney.
In addition to the above two tests  it is possible to confirm the diagnosis of cancer using biopsy. It is done by dissecting a small portion of the affected cell and testing in the lab with the help of pathologist .                                                                   
If you have any symptoms related to kidney cancer don’t wait just visit  Guru Multispeciality Hospital situated at Madurai and avail an international treatment experience . 

Email us : cancercentremadurai@gmail.com