Friday, 29 March 2019

Stages Of Breast Cancer And Disease Progression

Breast cancer is the most common type of female cancer. This type of cancer can occur both in men and female but more likely to occur in woman. Breast cancer is nothing but cancer that are formed in breasts. Breast cancer are mainly divided into two categories : Invasive and non invasive. While invasive cancer is a type of cancer which spread from breast ducts or glands to other parts, non-invasive cancer are types which do not spread from the original tissue.

breast cancer treatment in tamil nadu

Stages of breast cancer :

Breast cancer is mainly divided into five stages:
  •  stage 0 
  •  stage 1
  •  stage 2
  •  stage 3
  •  stage 4
Stage 0 : 
This stage describes that the growth of cancer cells is not yet invasive in nature. The cancerous cells are found in the lining of the breast duct and are confined to those areas alone. The malignant cancer cells have not attacked the surrounding area or spread beyond. 

Stage 1 : 
 This stage marks the beginning of invasive cancer cells. This stage is further subdivided into 2.
In stage IA the invasive breast cancer cells measure up to 2 cm and the cancer cells have not spread outside the breast nor are lymph nodes involved.

In stage IB  :
a) The occurrence of tumour cells are absent in breasts but a lump of cancer cells not larger than 0.2 mm but nor larger than 2 mm are present in lymph nodes. 
b) Tumour is present in the breasts that are no larger than 2 cm along with cancer cells larger than 0.2mm but not larger than 2 mm in the lymph nodes. 

Stage 2 :
This stage is again subdivided into IIA and IIB.

In stage IIA
a,) Tumor is found in lymph nodes but is absent in breast.
b) Tumor which is almost 2cm or smaller has infected axillary lymph nodes
c) The tumour is which is larger than 2 cm but not larger than 5 cm that has not spread to axillary lymph nodes

In stage IIB 
a) Tumor larger than 2 cm but not larger than 5 cm, a lump of of cancer cells larger than 0.2 mm but not larger than 2 mm infects the lymph nodes.
b) Tumor cells are found in lymph nodes, they are larger than 2 cm but not larger than 5 cm.
c) Tumor has not spread to lymph nodes and is more than 5 cm in length.

Stage 3 :

This stage is subdivided into IIIA, IIIB and IIIC
In stage IIIA  

a) Tumor is found in lymph nodes but is absent in breasts.
b) Breast cancer cells larger than 0.2mm but not larger than 2mm, are found in lymph nodes. Tumors are more than 5 cm in length
c) Cancer cells are larger than 5 cm and are spread to axillary lymph nodes

In Stage IIIB 

a) Size of tumor can vary and it has spread to chest wall and skin of breasts
b) Cancer cells are likely to have spread to lymph nodes

In stage IIIC

a) There are no cancer cells in breasts. 
b) Cancer has spread to lymph nodes

Stage 4:
This stage is called advanced or metastatic stage. In this stage, cancer has become invasive and it has spread beyond the breast and to other organs such as lungs, liver, lymph nodes, brain, skin, and bones.

Breast cancer can be dangerous. There are several breast cancer treatment hospitals in India. Guru Cancer Treatment Center, is one of the best breast cancer treatment hospitals in Madurai. Right knowledge about the diseases helps in early detection of the disease. Breast exam, mammogram, breast ultrasound, biopsy, MRI are few of the breast cancer diagnosis methods. If you are hunting for the best breast cancer diagnosis in Madurai or for Mammography in Tamil Nadu, Guru hospital is the right place. The specialization and expertise of our doctors make us the best breast cancer treatment in Tamil Nadu.

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  1. Dr Rajit Rattan is an Best oncologist in Chandigarh, India and has got expertise in using the newest diagnostic and treatment methods in cancer. Dr Tandon who has specialized in medical and surgical oncology brings a patient centered care philosophy that delivers quality care that meets the needs of each patient.
